Gun Lake League Rules


1. Rules governing all league play will be the ASA Rules. Moline will supply all softballs.
2. Moline Softball Assoc. will adapt some rules and they are outlined in the SPECIAL RULES section
3. Teams will be required to play on the dates and times scheduled by the Moline Softball Association.
4. Must be 18 year of age to play in this league – NEW RULE FOR 2014
1. If conditions are unfavorable, the umpire in charge is to decide whether the game will be played.
2. Managers will be the only people to receive postponement or scheduling changes.
Managers should call 616-430-4844.
3. We will play in a tornado watch.
4. We won’t play in a tornado warning. Managers will be notified.
1. Players and teams shall be suspended or placed on probation and games may be forfeited if conduct is considered detrimental to the league.
2. Profane language, continued disagreement with umpires, arguments or fights with players or spectators are examples of undesirable conduct.
3. If a player is caught using an illegal bat, they will be ejected from the game and a 1 game suspension.
4. A softball player will be suspended for one year or longer if conduct involves physical contact with an umpire or league official.
5. Managers will be responsible for any mis-conduct of their players.
6. Any player ejected from a game will be suspended from the next game his/hers team plays. No exceptions.
7. Players, coaches, sponsors and managers using derogatory language toward game officials before, during, or after any game will be subject to suspension.
8. Any player suspended two times in a season may be through playing for the remainder of the year.
9. On any dispute that arises, the manager and player involved are the only persons who are to converse with the umpire.
1. Rocket rule (this means all player may bat) may be used but you must maintain a male-female rotation.
2. WEAVE Rule MUST ALWAYS be used. Batting out of order is an automatic OUT.
3. 25 Run mercy rule after 3 innings, 20 Run mercy rule after 4 innings, 15 Run mercy rule after 5 innings.
4. International Tie Breaker Rule will be used – after 7 innings – last out goes to 2nd base.
5. One hour and 15 minute time limit. Once the time limit is up and as long as 4 innings have been completed the game is up. Darkness will be the determining factor in the last game
6. Teams may play with nine (cannot have 2 males or 2 females batting back to back). They must have 5 females and 4 males if playing with only 9 players. Females are not allowed to pitch (for safety reasons).
7. 12-inch softballs are used for males and 11-inch softballs for women.
8. The home run limit (over the fence) will be 3 per game. Any additional home runs will be considered a foul ball. NEW RULE FOR 2014
9. A courtesy runner may be used.
a. You may use a courtesy runner (who ever made the last out), male for male, female for female.
10. If a player is ejected, his spot in the batting order is an automatic out. If there is an injury or someone has to leave early, there is no out and teams skip a spot in the batting order. Players arriving late can be added to the line-up.
11. No metal spikes allowed
12. Batter will begin with a 1-1 count. On strike 3, A BATTER GETS 1 GRACE FOUL BALL.
13. 11’ maximum arc on pitches with a 6’ minimum arc (from the ground).
14. In order to play in the GLC League, you must be employed by the Gun Lake Casino or Gun Lake Tribe. Spouses/Significant Others/Adult Children of Gun Lake Casino or Gun Lake Tribe employees may also play.
15. Players may only be on 1 GLC League roster (cannot rotate playing between different GLC League teams).
16. Subs for teams must be on team roster at beginning of season